Positive thinking always gives me more energy and enthusiasm.

Written by olivrco

October 30, 2023

What is the secret to having more energy and enthusiasm? Positive thinking.

Regardless of how much I have, positive thinking helps me grow in abundance. I am grateful for the gifts I already have and thankful for the things I still desire.

My energy comes from within rather than outside sources like caffeine or sugar.

It’s easy to just keep going through life and think negatively. When I catch myself doing this, I stop immediately and become conscious of my negative thoughts. I remind myself that these thoughts are false evidence appearing real.

I notice how I spend my time. Am I spending my time in activities that feed my soul and give me a sense of purpose? Is there anything I can do right now to give me more energy and enthusiasm? If yes, then I do it.

I love finding ways to add more positivity to my everyday life. When I run out of ideas, I look at the positive side of things. Instead of focusing on lack, I focus on the abundance I already have.

I thank God for everything he gives me. I thank him for his many blessings. I am grateful for my life today. I think of the good things in my life.

Today, I am happy and enthusiastic. I feel alive and energetic. I am filled with gratitude. I am overflowing with positive thoughts. I am full of optimism. My life feels wonderful!

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. In what ways can I learn to be more optimistic in my daily life?
2. How do I find inspiration in challenging times?
3. How can I improve my relationships with family members, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances?

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