Hey Fam,
Luckily, I can create the world I want to live in and I am thoroughly enjoying the process! With my awesome attitude, I can create anything I want. I am happy that I am in control of my reality.
I am a powerful creator!
Each day, I choose to create my reality, and I take actions that create a very pleasant reality indeed!
I am thrilled with the life I am creating.
Each moment is very precious to me. I am grateful for each and every moment that I am here on this beautiful earth.
I ensure that I use each moment wisely. I know my time here is precious. I treat each moment like a newborn baby. I am tender and gentle with my moments here in this world.
I recognize that time is of the essence. I value my time. I believe in the statement, “Waste not, want not.”
I am mindful of my resources, and time is a crucial resource.
Today, I am vigilant about staying present. I spend my time focusing on this moment now. I catch my mind if it starts to race away into the past or future. I know the best way to create the future I want is to create a fabulous moment right here and now.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What processes can I use to keep from obsessing about the future?
2. What protocol can I use to not fall into the past?
3. What can I do to enhance this moment?