I know two types of people: an ordinary person and an extraordinary one. I know the regular person allows fear to rule his life while the outstanding person chooses to live outside fear.
That’s why I choose to live outside of fear by thinking positively.
I am always amazed when I catch myself thinking negatively. Although I find it easy to dwell on negativity, I find it feels unsatisfying. Thus, when I notice negative thoughts, I gently remind myself that I can think positively. I commit to positive thinking.
I tell myself that I deserve to live in love and joy.
My thoughts become my reality. My choices are my life. So, I choose to see my life as happy. I choose to be satisfied.
When I choose to be happy, I experience joy. Joy radiates out to the people around me. I feel alive and abundant.
That is my normal state. This is my way of being. I allow my mind to dwell in joy. I live in appreciation of my life. I celebrate each day that I am alive.
I choose to live in joy. I am grateful for my existence. I am aware of all the wonders of creation.
Today, I honor my life, family, friends, and community. I thank them for sharing my journey. I share gratitude through my actions. And I practice loving-kindness and compassion in my daily interactions.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How would I characterize my compassion?
2. What opportunities am I currently taking advantage of to transform my life?
3. What would I change if I felt free to choose?