When I let go of trying to please others, I open myself up to new possibilities.

Written by olivrco

December 7, 2023

I find that it is easy for me to fall back into a routine of living out someone else’s vision for me.

When things are hard, I tend to revert to a past pattern of doing things because they have always been done that way. However, I learn that it creates exciting opportunities for me when I choose to live out my vision.

The more I allow myself to be free to make decisions based on my values, the freer I become.

The less I rely on the opinions of others, the less I feel trapped by the past or anyone else. When I let go of trying to please others, I open myself up to new possibilities. I have more choices.

I learn to trust my intuition, to trust myself to make wise choices. I rely on myself to reject things that work against who I am when I need to do so.

My intuition is a beautiful internal gift. It tells me how to spend my time and guides me through life. It also helps me determine what works best for me.

I release the expectations that others may think or behave in a certain way. The more I honor my instincts, the more I honor myself.

I resist the temptation to give in to societal pressure to conform. Instead, I honor my true desires and make choices based on integrity.

Today, I decide to stop living according to someone else’s plan for me and make my own plan. I follow my heart rather than someone else’s.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How does my level of independence impact my overall health?
2. Where can I be more adventurous?
3. Am I living fully in my own life today?

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