I see my body as my instrument in this life. I choose to take good care of it, so it can perform optimally.
Just as I would ensure that my guitar is tuned before I play it, I take the time to get myself tuned up.
I feed my body the finest fuel I can find. I feast on nutritious, wholesome foods.
I find the best combination of exercise and activity that suits my body at this time. Sometimes I work out. I walk each day. I spend less time sitting.
I find the healthiest beverages available. I learn to juice vegetables and fruits. I make yummy smoothies. I drink plenty of fresh, clean water.
I tune up my mind. I read books. I watch educational programs. I go to the library and enjoy the many spectacular choices to feed my mind.
I do an emotional tune up. I take classes on how to stay strong emotionally in these chaotic times. I see a counselor or coach. I study advanced material on emotional health and well-being.
I take a weekend trip to the ocean to clear my head. I recognize that all the answers are in nature. I know it is good to get out of my rut and create new neural pathways by taking a trip down a different road.
Today, I keep my body, mind, and spirit in fine working condition. In return, they provide me with sweet music for my life.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What can I do today to fine tune my body?
2. What can I do today to fine tune my mind?
3. What can I do today to fine tune my emotions?