I hone my skills and increase my knowledge.
I read extensively. I bring books and magazines with me when I run errands. I travel with my e-reader. I set targets, like reading 50 pages a day, or finishing a book each week.
I go back to school or take courses online. I ask my employer about their education benefits. I finish my degree or audit classes. I earn professional certifications or study subjects for my own gratification.
I practice what I learn. I apply my lessons to my daily life. I experiment with new approaches and change my work habits.
I build a strong and diverse network. I talk with others about their areas of expertise. I collaborate with partners who complement my strengths. I find mentors to guide me through different stages and areas in my life.
I teach others. Explaining what I know helps me to identify gaps and reinforce my understanding. I reach out to recent graduates and new hires. I welcome feedback. I ask others for their input and listen with an open mind.
I set challenging goals. I venture outside my comfort zone. I take a first step and celebrate my progress. I feel motivated and inspired.
I limit distractions. I manage my time. I turn off the TV, so I can work on my hobbies. I cut down on unimportant commitments, so I can focus on my priorities.
Today, I adopt a growth mindset. I work at fulfilling my potential. I am dedicated and consistent.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What hidden talents might I have?
2. How can I structure my job to use my individual strengths?
3. What is one skill I want to develop this year?