Like a mother-to-be, I am giddy with my new baby. However, my new baby is the slate of creative ideas I am forming for amazing processes, projects, and products.
Am I excited? Yes!
Am I scared? Yes! But I smile as I think of how AWESOME this year is going to be.
I am grateful for the time I have spent formulating these ideas. I am glad that I took the time to make a vision board for this year. My vision board helps to nurture my ideas.
I have my organization plan in place. Now is the time to start developing my new ideas.
I am amazed at how my creativity has grown. Now that I have confidence in myself, I am unstoppable.
Just like a pregnant mother, I allow the new ideas to form. I take all the time I need to develop these products. I take good care of my “babies.” I recognize that good things come to those who are willing to be patient during the growing process.
As I do my part to nurture my plans, I also give myself permission to enjoy this stage. I feel my precious little bundle of joy kicking with delight at the thought of being born.
I gently cultivate these babies and give them the nourishment and love they need in order to develop into their full potential.
Today, I look forward to an exciting future as I bring my ideas forth into the world!
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are some of my ideas for new projects for this year?
2. How can I be more patient with myself and give myself time to fully develop my ideas?
3. What can I do to nourish myself to help ensure the success of these projects?