Breathing deeply is a gift.

body of water during golden hour

Written by olivrco

December 25, 2023

I recognize that deep breathing is something we all do when we need to calm our minds before an exam or a presentation. I always do it because it helps me stay focused and relaxed.

Deep breathing helps me to remain grounded in my heart and keep my energy centered.

I breathe deeply to regulate my blood pressure and bring oxygen to every cell. My entire body benefits from deep breathing.

When my lungs expand, I inflate. My brain gets clearer and calmer when I exhale. And when I inhale, my body receives more oxygen. When I exhale again, my brain becomes sharper and more focused.

My brain releases serotonin during deep breathing, helping me relax and remain calm. It reduces my anxiety, stress, and depression.

I efficiently perform deep breathing exercises anytime, anywhere. I find I can practice this great technique without rules or schedules. I can choose to be mindful of my breath and consciously slow down and breathe deeply. I can also take note of my physical sensations as I breathe.

I know that deep breathing can help control my anger, fear, and worry. When I become aware of my breath, I can calm my nerves and reduce my stress level. I can become conscious of my body and my mind.

Today, I breathe deeply throughout the day to maintain my energy. I take time to practice deep breathing whenever I need to. I know that it helps me become more peaceful.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I remember to practice deep breathing more often?
2. Do I feel like my mind is always racing? How can I slow it down?
3. How does deep breathing help me manage my anger, frustration, and sadness?

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